The Independent will take an active role in the entire 2024 awards schedule and have a high-profile presence at all associated events along the way.
The partnership marks a significant collaboration, bringing together two organisations committed to celebrating and promoting outstanding achievements. British businesses serve as the backbone of our communities, providing employment opportunities, stimulating local economies, and embodying the entrepreneurial spirit that defines our nation.
The Independent, the UK’s largest quality digital news brand, will play a crucial role in bringing the stories of entrants and finalists to a broader audience. This collaboration ensures that the achievements of the finalists and winners will gain significant exposure, highlighting their contributions to their industries and the broader economic landscape.
As media partner, the news publisher will provide extensive coverage of the awards programme, including exclusive and in-depth features about the entrants, the award categories, and the individual winners. The partnership not only enhances the visibility of the awards but also reinforces the importance of recognising and supporting the business sector, especially in times of economic challenges.
The anticipation for the awards event itself will be mounting in the run-up throughout the year, and both the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards and The Independent will be working together to create a night of celebration that aims to inspire and motivate the business community.