Chris Blackhurst is an award-winning writer, author, commentator and an expert in strategic communications.
He is a former editor of The Independent newspaper and for ten years was City editor of the Evening Standard. Before that he worked for The Sunday Times, on its business pages and Insight investigative team. He covered Westminster for several years for The Independent. His journalism has appeared in many of the world’s major publications, newspapers and magazines. For 20 years, he conducted the main interviews in Management Today magazine with senior business and political figures. He is an experienced TV and radio broadcaster.
He has written two books: Too Big To Jail – Inside HSBC, the Mexican drug cartels and the greatest banking scandal of the century (Macmilllan) and The World’s Biggest Cash Machine –Manchester United, the Glazers and the struggle for football’s soul (Macmillan)
For four years, he was executive director of CT Group, the international campaigns and public affairs consultancy. He was ranked in the Top Ten for UK ‘Crisis and Reputational’ advice by PR Week.