Awards night Tuesday 14th November Grosvenor House, London


The Small Growth Business of the Year Award


The UK economy has tested the resilience of all businesses in recent years, but against this backdrop small and scaling businesses have innovated, adapted, and seized the right opportunities to achieve growth. 

Has your business demonstrated strong leadership, exceptional customer service, impactful innovation, and an investment in people with the purpose to increase sales, profitability, client value or market share over the last 2 years? 

This award recognises small businesses achieving growth across a range of metrics and a robust plan to deliver sustained financial success and impact.

Open to any type of growing organisation across all sectors with revenues up to £25 million, judges will look for:

  • Strong financial performance 
  • Organic growth, effective optimisation of growth capital or acquisition
  • Inspirational leadership and effective management
  • Innovation in products, services or processes
  • Exceptional customer service & engagement
  • Engaged and productive employees
  • Ethical practice and profit with purpose

Scoring & Weighting 

In this category judges will compare the extent to which each candidate has demonstrated excellence in the following areas:

  • Employee & Customer Engagement – 25%
  • Leadership & Innovation – 25%
  • Organisational Ethics & Policies – 20%
  • Financial Performance & Growth – 30%