Awards night Tuesday 14th November Grosvenor House, London


The Lloyds DE&I Champion of the Year Award


The business case for diversity, equity & inclusion grows year after year, with a wealth of evidence that it drives both employee and customer engagement, improves productivity, and enables more profitable growth. Yet it still hasn’t been fully embraced by the majority of organisations. 

Often, it is a visionary and influential individual or market leader who drives diversity as a role model, advocate, challenger or champion.

Diversity champions are proactive in driving the right initiatives, defining the most meaningful metrics and proving the commercial case for DE&I. They encourage open conversations, challenge the status quo and bring people together with a shared vision of a more inclusive future.

The DE&I Champion of the Year Award is open to any individual or business that is able to demonstrate the success of DE&I policies and initiatives to improve diversity, equity or inclusion. 

Judges will look for exemplary internal and external campaigns, recruitment practices, onboarding and inclusion strategies, and initiatives to improve awareness and understanding in the organisation and / or industry. Judges will also look for evidence of meaningful and measurable impact, how this is aligned with commercial objectives, and how it has improved performance and customer engagement.

Scoring & Weighting 

In this category judges will compare the extent to which each candidate has demonstrated excellence in the following areas:

  • Employee & Customer Engagement – 25%
  • Leadership & Innovation – 25%
  • Organisational Ethics & Policies – 30%
  • Financial Performance & Growth – 20%